Un Trip will be part of the 30th Season Broadcast of KERA’s Frame of Mind, Texas PBS Stations

LA LOMA Neighborhood of my youth, Demolished, erased forever from the universe. You live on, captive, in the lonely cellblocks of my mind. Un Trip through the Mind Jail, raúlrsalinas, 14 Sept. ’69 Leavenworth Directors Anne Lewis and Laura Varela are pleased to announce that the UN TRIP: RAÚLRSALINAS AND THE POETRY OF LIBERATION (25 min)…

Un Trip Screens at The Arthouse Film Festival 2024 Wins Best Social Commentary Film NOV 1 Latest News Screenings

*Update:  Un Trip wins The Godard Award-Best Social Commentary Film!   Raúl r salinas and the Poetry of Liberation Documentary Film is part of this year’s Arthouse Festival! Starts tomorrow and runs a week. Big thanks to Giselle De La Rosa for asking us to be part of the last year of this great festival. Tickets $25…

Un Trip to Premiere at Cine las Americas on Saturday 6/10/23 at 6:30pm @ Austin PBS

“Hecho en Tejas” is a series of films produced in Texas. The films are eligible for a Jury Award and Audience Award presented in partnership with the Texas Film Commission (TFC) and the Texas Archive of the Moving Image (TAMI). To view the line up or purchase a ticket go here: https://cinelasamericas.org/events/hechoentejasshortscompetitionclaiff25   raúl r salinas…